Designing the future patient & staff experience for a 1800- bed health campus
In partnership with
Product Design
Research Study
Design Thinking Consultancy for the Patient and staff experience across both physical and digital touch points, providing a rich and patient centric blueprint to the vast array of experts working on the project.‍
Creating a human experience in the digital age, redefining the patient experience at Woodlands Health Campus. Chemistry envisioned a comprehensive new patient experience and staff workplace strategy that empowers a new care model focused on patient-centricity for the Woodlands Health Campus, one of Singapore’s largest hospitals.

The Woodlands Health Campus is slated to become one of the largest healthcare facilities in Singapore. Opening in 2022, the campus will offer a full suite of healthcare services across a 1800-bed hospital facility. Chemistry Team was appointed as design thinking consultants that were to envision a comprehensive new patient experience and staff workplace strategy to be deployed across the entire campus.

Our team worked with experts across organisational development, IT and operations, as well as clinical processes. We envisioned a new care environment that empowers patients to take more control of their healthcare needs—all while leveraging new technology to deliver a seamless, yet caring hospital experience.

How might we empower patients and leverage on new technology to deliver a seamless yet caring hospital experience?

What We Did

Firstly, we began with qualitative interviews among the staff and patients. Conducting observations and shadowing current operations in similar hospitals. This was in order to fully understand the facility’s needs and challenges.


In addition, we developed full-scale prototypes of key touch-points. This was as we needed to test the interplay of spaces, furniture, technology and processes in the new campus. This was in order to explore the possibilities and limitations of the campus layout.

Co-creative design

Using the insights we had uncovered throughout our research and prototyping, we facilitated multi-stakeholder co-creation sessions to generate ideas that addressed the complex operations of the campus.

The Result

Throughout our human-centric process, the team helped pull together the needs and aspirations of all stakeholders. Expert teams were asked to envision the future of healthcare. As a result, we synthesised their answers into usable qualitative data. In addition, we provided a rich and patient centric blueprint to the vast array of experts working on the project.

We aim to set the standard for quality healthcare in Singapore. Therefore we worked towards solidifying a clear vision for the new campus that empowers a new care model focused on patient-centricity and collaboration.

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