Earlier this month, Chemistry had the honour of being selected for the Vienna Startup Package 2022 by the Vienna Business Agency.
Earlier this month, Chemistry had the honour of being selected for the Vienna Startup Package 2022 by the Vienna Business Agency.
The Vienna Startup Package initiative is by the Vienna Business Agency
The Vienna Startup Package is a flagship initiative that aims to develop the startup ecosystem in Vienna by inviting 20 emerging companies from all over the world that are motivated to expand internationally into the DACH region and immerse themselves in the Austrian business landscape.
As one of 19 shortlisted companies from over 270 applicants (and only one of two from Asia!), Chemistry will be participating in this exciting opportunity to explore the local startup ecosystem in Vienna and get a feel of the opportunities to grow our presence in Europe.
Our Senior Business Designer, Keith Wong, will be representing Chemistry in the VSP 2022 programme and networking with like-minded entrepreneurs to convey our vision of the future of business in a circular economy.
Chemistry's Senior Business Designer, Keith Wong
We look forward to this experience and the opportunity to share our broad industry insights on circularity, business, and design, with our people and planet-centred design approach.